
Well, Hello there, How nice to meet you.

What can we tell you about us? Well, we met at Art college way back in the 90’s when scrunchies and satin trousers were a thing… the first time around! Through house moves and life changes we have remained best friends and crafting buddies. Way back in 2011 we were chatting about blogs decided to join forces and share our passion for creativity with the internet. Live it. Love it. Make it was born.

Over the last 6 years, we have been on many adventures, made loads of amazing crafty friends and enjoyed some spectacular events. Getting to work for some of our favourite creative magazines and brands along the way has also been pretty epic. Our blog has become a place where we can share our creative lives as well as empowering our community ( that’s you!) to be inspired.

We don’t like to limit ourselves or our stashes to just one craft, we love all kinds of creativity and we also really love supporting other makers and creators. We both have skills in sewing, papercraft, and design but have tried our hands at nearly all the crafts you can think of. On this ‘ere blog we like to share our most awesome creations, and some frivolous ones too, using all of our crafting experience.

Table of Contents

About Sammy

I have my dream job, I get play with fabric alllllll day at my online store Sew Crafty. When I’m not chained to my sewing machine I love to cuddle my cats Bailey and Stella – and my husband, watch Netflix and chill- no… just chill- naughty! I’m a certified hoarder of crafty goodies and am not sorry, not even a little bit. Sewing is my jam but I also love papercraft. I wish I was better at knitting and crochet, but I just don’t have the patience.

About H

I work in the learning department in an Art Gallery and Museum, which basically means I get to help adults and children explore arts and crafts, which is so much fun for them and for me! As for when I am not being creative at work my fave things to do are watching movies, going exploring, eating out -always about the eating! and crafting for myself of course. We both love so many different crafts but my specialist subjects, if you like, are paper cutting and printmaking although Pottery and ceramics are my newest crafty obsessions. Oh and one day I really want a cat, in the meantime, I borrow Sammy’s.

Where once we used to spend Saturday nights in bars and stopping to eat a burger at the bus stop, we are now most likely to be found on a Sunday eating cake at a craft fair, and we couldn’t be happier about it.

We aren’t quite crafty ‘homes and gardens’ – no photos of wistful fog here, but we do believe in being realistic with your crafty lifestyle, we don’t live curated Instagram lives and you shouldn’t feel like you have to either. Pick and choose the bits you like and create a life you love.

We hope you enjoy reading about our Lives, Loves and our Makes!

H and Sammy xxx